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Health and Safety at Kid Ewe Knot

Health and Safety at Kid Ewe Knot

open sign

When You Visit Kid Ewe Knot, Your Health and Safety is a Priority.

Kid Ewe Knot is open for drop-in shopping hours from Noon until 4pm Tuesday through Saturday. Everyone wears a mask and uses the hand sanitizer (or soap and water in the restroom) upon entering.

We do request that if you do not feel well, please stay home. Our website is available 24/7, phone orders, shipping and curbside pickup are easy to arrange.

The shop is monitored for capacity once we have more than 2 visitors. You may be asked to wait outside, briefly, if we exceed capacity that allows for appropriate physical distancing.


Appointments are Available for Your Convenience

It's easy to schedule a private shopping appointment from 10:30 until Noon Tuesday through Saturday.

This shopping time is yours alone, low contact but full of attention from our staff. 

 It's easy to schedule your visit here, and there is no fee for the appointment.

Low Contact and Disinfecting Practices

Disinfecting and cleaning is part of the routine at Kid Ewe Knot. To further reduce surface touches we have removed the following high touch surfaces and enhanced our regular cleaning schedule.

  • Community Table- lingering and gathering in shop is not encouraged at this time.
  • Fringe Benefits Boxes- these are now behind the counter and only handled by staff. Fringe Benefits cards are still updated with each purchase and you are welcome to remind us and to check your progress, too.
  • Pens and the Credit/Debit Machine- we do not request signatures on your charges and we do not request pins for your debits. The machine is disinfected regularly and if you feel comfortable entering your pin, we do still appreciate it.

You can feel confident that we are doing what we can to maintain a healthy shopping environment. We appreciate your cooperation in helping maintain a healthy workplace for the staff.

Thank you!

Previous article Fiberside Chat with Cocoknits, Julie Weisenberger