Celebrating Birthdays at Kid Ewe Knot
New Year; New Celebrations; New Technology.
Ok, maybe not new technology, but we are finally making use of the technology.
So, this is the new system:
put your birthday into that annoying pop up that greets you when you come to the website (it goes away when you do!)
tell that annoying popup that your birthday is day one of your month. It's fine, it isn't lying, exactly, because we celebrate you all month and then that gives you the most opportunity to use your birthday gift. Plus, I don't want to worry about you putting (more) real details about yourself on the internet.
this year, you might get double gifts. no one is really mad about extra gifts, but I worry about not getting you a gift that you really want. So, until we get your birthday into that annoying pop up, I have an oldish school backup to make sure you get a birthday present from me. Your gift is redeemable in person, in shop and/or online. PS if you have a January Birthday, go look for that email that says Happy Birthday from Kid Ewe Knot, I sent it January 1.
You have all year to get your birthday into that annoying popup, but you may as well do it right now so you don't miss out.
Celebrate! Every day is a gift and we are joyful to celebrate you and every new number you roll.