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Semi Annual Clearance


  • Fiberside Chat- Vincent Williams
    April 30, 2021 Heather Metzger

    Fiberside Chat- Vincent Williams

    Universal Colorwork Across CraftsColorwork is one of the exciting ways that makers can explore their self expression and creativity! Have you ever encountered a beautiful colorwork design, but the pattern is written for a craft different from your own? Join...

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  • Shirley Paden- Fiberside Chat
    April 24, 2021 Heather Metzger

    Shirley Paden- Fiberside Chat

    "Teaching design means empowering people to move beyond following a pattern. It gives you the skills to make unique pieces wherever inspiration takes you. I want to share those skills beyond my classroom." It’s been almost three decades since Shirley Paden...

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  • Fiberside Chat with Beth Brown-Reinsel
    April 20, 2021 Heather Metzger

    Fiberside Chat with Beth Brown-Reinsel

    European Knitting Traditions From the Scottish Lowlands where the unique Sanquhar gloves developed, to Sweden, home of Tvåändsstickning (twined knitting), Norway (Selbu mittens and the Setesdal Lusekofter), and England (the gansey), Estonia (gloves the Troi, and mittens), and Latvian mittens,...

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  • Fiberside Chat with Gudrun Johnston
    April 1, 2021 Heather Metzger

    Fiberside Chat with Gudrun Johnston

    Register Here to join Gudrun for a wee virtual journey to Shetland. Learn about the traditional Shetland Hap, an heirloom item that has been a jumping off point for many of Gudrun's shawl designs over the years. She will demonstrate...

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